Born and raised in the Midwest, I always wished I had one clear goal. Life seemed simpler for those who did. It’s only now I’m starting to understand that even people who look like they have their shit together really don’t either.

My passions include animals, books, writing, art, cooking, wine, travel, learning..

seriously I could go on for a long time.

I won’t, I promise.

Instead what this blog will be is a sharing of the steps and thoughts I’m having as I keep on the search for how you can pull all the various parts and loves of who you are together.

I believe that each of us can find the way to be our authentic selves. It’s not easy. But nothing worth having is easily won. I know that some of you are right where I started. You feel stuck/trapped in a life that isn’t quite right for you. Maybe you can’t see the way out.

Listen up, just because you can’t see it now, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

The world looks different even if you just take one step over from where you are right now.